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As a FOREVER Educator and School Leader, Niki believes that leadership extends beyond a title or a position but is a belief that every member of the school is a leader (teachers, staff, students, families) as they can make change from where they are, no matter the position.


Niki travels the country talking with leaders, educators, and students about her new books and the power of embracing a positive mindset.


I provide
for schools

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Niki’s Keynotes are energizing, inspiring, and motivates participants to live their best life now!  All keynotes harmoniously focus on engaging the audience and inviting them in to be a part of the story.  She immediately creates a sense of safety and trust as the audience feels emotionally engaged in the experience.  As a former teacher and principal, Niki has been in the trenches and can relate to many of the challenges in education as she encourages the staff to embrace these moments as wonderful opportunities that will move them further into their purpose.  Each keynote is tailored to the district, organization, and event and we help you find creative ways to motivate the team and get them excited about the message


Workshops /Trainings

Workshops & trainings consists of every person being involved in the learning progress. Workshops consists of various group exercises, discussions, and other activities to put new learning into practice. Each session is designed with the individual team objectives in mind as we consistently measure engagement, learning, behavior, and results.  Like our keynotes and other experiences, our workshops are fun, engaging, and life changing as the facilitator provides the learner with opportunities to focus on their own thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.  Workshops are tailored to the district or organization’s goals and what they desire to accomplish.   

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"WOW!! Niki & Kermit were AWESOME!! Seriously, time flew bye AND they gave a lot of great info to help us start the school year."

 – Event Participant

Are you ready to

Niki Spears is an Author, Expert Eduprenuer, and Chief Culture Cre8or who is traveling the country helping educators embrace a healthy, vibrant, and inspirational mindset.


She understands how one person's energy can impact an entire team and is leading the charge to help others become aware of how they are showing up at work and in life!


Niki left her job as a school principal in July
2016 and since then has empowered more than 100,000 students and educators across the country through her motivational book s, talks, and seminars. Niki's book, The Beauty Underneath the Struggle ~ Creating Your B.U.S. Story reinforces her message of seeing the opportunity in every challenge and encourages readers to take ownership of the pencil of life so that they can create their masterpiece.


Thousands of educators and school leaders

have enjoyed the warmth, humor, and transformational power of Niki's self-development events.


I had the privilege of hearing Niki Spears speak at the 2022 TSPRA Conference in Round Rock, Texas. First of all, I was blown away by her presence! She was a woman of wisdom, strength, and beauty. She captured the audience's attention with her first word. She said she wasn't a presenter that just stood in the front to throw out information; she was a presenter that wanted the audience to participate. She drew us in with her direction of participation to shout, "Yes, yes,yes!" for the things that were great...for the things that resonated with us...for the things that gave positivity in a world where things are not so positive. She was inspirational because she had a story; she was in the trenches as an educator and administrator, so she understood the day-in, day-out struggles of what can tear down positivity in the workplace. She gave the audience tools to help combat those struggles and to keep that positivity rolling!


Niki gave power in voices when she walked up and down the aisle handing off the microphone to let others share their experiences. She gave us the feeling of pride for what we do in our careers as communication specialists, teachers, educators, and administrators because what we do and how we communicate sets the stage for creating a positive climate and culture of our workplace. The overall experience of her presentation was awesome, and I walked away with a sense of positive energy, so much so, I came back to my District and shared that experience! The administrative team agreed this is the message that needs to set the tone with our staff for the next school year, so Caldwell ISD invited her to speak at our Convocation for the 2022-2023 school year! 


Niki, thank you for having such a positive impact on others! This is a blessing and a gift...a gift that keeps on giving with every speaking engagement you deliver. Keep up the great work!

 – Kim Pagach,

Director of Special Projects and Communictaions Caldwell ISD


Experiences to

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