But that’s just it, struggle is an action word that shows movement in the face of adversity. Until we change the way we see and experience our perceived struggles, we’ll never have the ability to grow into the person, school, or district we were meant to be. Struggles move us forward in our lives. It is important to do whatever we can to keep ourselves and our kids and students positive, uplifted and motivated to keep moving and to do good in the world. We are resilient, and we will get through this.
But How do we Stay Positive in Today’s World?
Despite this struggle that we are all going through together, there are people out there who are using this time to do some truly incredible and inspiring things. Even children are engaging in services projects and creating programs to help members of their community. From organizing food drives to collecting and donating art supplies, to building tutoring programs to help each other, kids today are creating beauty underneath the struggle. These are the stories we should be focusing on, and these are the stories that we should be sharing. We can find positivity in today’s world by loving and helping others.
Kindness is contagious too, and I would love to talk to those who are actively engaged in spreading positivity in the world. In an effort to help spread positivity, I have created theB.U.S. Award.If you know of someone, any age, who is creating Beauty Underneath the Struggle and is doing something truly inspiring, helping others and making a positive change in their community, I’d love to hear about it. Send your nominations toinfo@NikiSpears.com, for their chance to be interviewed and to receive a donation to their cause.